Michael Baker International
Vote for this team by donating to the
Capital Area Food Bank!
Captain America
Written by Ed Brubaker
Number of Cans: 1,350
- Asma Salim-Carafelli
Ahadu Gebreselassie
Mike Robb
Alex Taylor, Assoc. AIA
- Shani Chambers
- Kristina Robarge
- Nathan Carafelli
Special Thanks:
A special thanks to the Michael Baker International Alexandria Office for participating in fundraising events and donating money towards this cause!

This is the shield of Captain AmeriCAN coming out of the floor to help us! During these tough times, we have pulled together as a country and proved that we truly CAN overcome any obstacles thrown our way. Captain AmeriCAN’s shield represents unity and PEAcefulness coming our way! It is a symbol for all kids around the nation.
Goya, Black Beans, 15.5 oz, 846 cans
Nature’s Promise, Black Beans, 15.5 oz, 48 cans
Hunt’s, Tomato Sauce, 15 oz, 336 cans
Le Sueur, Very Young Small Peas, 15 oz, 120 cans
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